
Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in South Carolina

Sen. Barack Obama said , "While I was working on those streets watching those folks see their jobs shift overseas, you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart."

Sen. Hillary Clinton said, “I’m just reacting to the fact, yes, they did have ideas, and they were bad ideas. . . . Bad for America, and I was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor [Tony] Rezko in his slum landlord business in inner-city Chicago."

Sen. Barack Obama said , "Part of what the people are looking for right now is somebody who is going to solve problems and not resort to the same typical politics that we've seen in Washington.”

Three quotes out of contact but the show how the debate went today. Who was throwing mud again?

For a Transcript of the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in South Carolina you may read here.

I found the debate quite interesting, except that it was too often interrupted by sometimes distracting questions. Why don’t these moderators let the discussion build their own theme? It would give the voters a better understanding of who these candidates are instead of making them look good.

Even prior to this debate I thought Sen. Barack Obama was a very intelligent man who really cares about the people. After the debate, I liked him even more. He is not only smart but also very polite and diplomatic person. He gives us a different idea of what a politician could be, honest and forthright.

Sen. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has lost my trust. I now believe that she is going to continue the Washington-special-interest-policies if she would become the president. Don’t we have had that now long enough?

Although John Edwards has shown his great compassion in this debate, and I would prefer him over Clinton, I still think he was not able to right the level of Barack Obama.

I believe Sen. Barack Obama that he wants change and empower us people again!

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