
Surprising polls

The newest CNN's national general election "poll of polls" showed that Barack Obama would receive only 48% while John McCain would still receive 43%.

What do this polls show? Well, in my opinion it shows that this election is steering into the same direction as the 2000 election where the Republican Party was telling the American people that their candidate is different, more moderate and more liberal than the current president. The Republican Party is trying to convince the American people that they have suddenly become more inclusive.

The problem is that in the 2000 election Bush was portrayed in the same way as the Republican Party is now portraying John McCain . However, what happened after the election? Don’t we have currently a government and a President that are more conservative than any government before? Didn't it became a government which changes laws so it would benefit themselves and not the United States or the American people, a government that does not represent the people anymore but rather its own interests.

Just listen to the comments of President Bush after the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that the prisoners held at the U.S. naval base in Cuba are entitled to rights under the U.S. Constitution. And that this decision would allow detainees to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts. We can expect, as seen before after a Supreme Court decision, that the government Bush will change the policies and laws to bypass the court's decision.

I am surprised how many people still favor a candidate who represents a party that has been supporting the most unpopular President in history? I am surprised how many people still believe that changing the horse will change the path our government? It’s not just the person, but it’s the ideology of the party that stands behind the current President and government. This ideology has not changed! Therefore we have to expect more of the same if John McCain would be elected!

So, why do so many people still favor John McCain?

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