
Republican rhetoric and their plan, with lipstick!

Welfare is a type of financial or other aid provided to people in need! Thus it guarantees at the same time a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens without the stigma of charity.

However, it appears that in the Unites States people have been over many decades mislead to believe that Welfare or Social services are equal to socialism.

Republican lawmakers continue to spread such kind of misinformation and at the same time scaring citizens by claiming ever so often that President Barack Obama is actually a Socialist because he is “taking from the rich and giving it to the poor”. However, he has never taken from the rich but is trying to create a fair system in which the middle class and even the poor have a chance of a decent life. This is however impossible if lawmakers continue to channel tax money to the super rich and at the same time trying to degrade the system (Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, etc) to pay for these giveaway for the wealthiest. Do Republican lawmakers actually know what a Socialist is?

Well according to Merriam-Webster a Socialist is a person who believes in socialism. And Socialism is a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies. As you can see this definition does not apply to President Barack Obama.

However, Republican lawmakers continue to stick to their rhetoric because they are willing to scarify the needy to enrich the super-rich!
Robert Reich points out such behavior using Medicare as a reasonable example to describe such new threat, a Medicare Kill Switch disguised as a reasonable-sounding spending cap. As he puts it, it's the Republican plan, with lipstick!

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