
What in the world are they thinking?

Watch out what are you planning to vote for.

Remember how many voted for the Tea Party Movement hoping to get real change, when in fact they have caused a dysfunctional congress and a political stalemate where nothing goes, far from progress and any positive change.

Now there are more Tea Party Movement members running for president, claiming that they can do better and are more efficient that the current president.

For example, Michele Bachmann an Evangelical Christian who owns together with her husband a Christian counseling practice named Bachmann & Associates. She is a wealthy person and though opposed minimum wage increases and even proposes to eliminate the federal minimum wage!

And then there is Herman Cain, a businessman who wants to create jobs and stimulate the economy by lowering the corporate tax rates from 35 to 25 percent, eliminating the capital gains tax, and suspending taxes on repatriated foreign profits. He also supports elimination of the estate tax. He wants replace all federal personal and corporate income taxes with a 23% national sales tax.

In other words, both want to put more pressure on the working as well as middle class and at the same time increase their wealth and the wealthiest in the United States. If you don't believe it, ask people in Europe who have a 19% sales tax. Most people with low income don't know how to make ends meet anymore. Do you want this in the U.S?

Both and other candidates of the Republican Party want to go further that President Jorge W. Bush who squandered a billion dollar surplus and ran-up a trillion dollar deficit before passing it to the current administration.

Now I wonder who in the world still believes that these philosophies of giving money to the rich to stimulate the economy will work. It hasn’t worked over the last 30 years since President Regan started this idea.

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