
Money Matters Most in Politics?

Just this past week Republican Scott Walker was reelected despite his move to eliminate unions in the state where American Unions were first founded. He has been supported by a Tea Party group attack ad which talks about the “labor-union mobs”!

What do we have learned from this controversial victory? Money Matters Most in Politics. As the great political strategist Lyle Lovett sang, “No finance, no romance.”

 Doesn’t this say everything about what is wrong with American politics these days? Walker’s campaign raised an astonishing $30.5 million compared to his opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who raised just $3.9 million. Why do we allow outside groups to compound this asymmetry by letting them pour tens of millions into other states like Wisconsin where the vast majority of this money went to the pro-Walker side? Is this still considered democracy where M-O-N-E-Y decides an election instead of values and integrity? In my opinion this borders on corruption and has nothing to do with real democracy anymore.

 Has a new class Warfare Has Already Begun? 

Just look at the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Does Mitt Romney really care about the common American or is he too  caught up with this new conservative trend that nothing matters any more but money. Do the ones who don’t have the money to buy a voice matter anymore or will they be left in the gutter to rot away?

It looks like America is on a path where people don’t get a voice because they don’t have the money to be heard. We are gazing at the Middle East with astonishment wondering how people could risk their lives for freedom. Well, let me tell you, it doesn’t take much anymore for people around the United States to stand up and fight for their democracy again. The past Occupy Wall Street Movement had been suppressed by the ones who have the money because it had become too annoying to the ones who have the money. But one can only take so much beating !

 Has M-O-N-E-Y once again become the roots of all evil?

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