
The Anti-Muhammad Video

It seems to me that this movie was made by someone who despises  Muslims and believes that the Christian faith is superior.  It looks like that some ultra religious groups are stirring up violence. This violence helps them to foster their agenda. This agenda has power at its core, power to control people, wealth and opinion. Who knows?

After watching a trailer of this movie, I understand some of the outrage in the Muslim society, though I cannot condone their behavior, either. In my opinion, it appears to be a clear insult on the Muslim faith.

Despite our freedom of expression, making such a movie attacks the freedom of other and therefore attacks freedom as a whole. We cannot allow anyone to use  religion or any other agenda as a vehicle to advance his or her power over others and at the same time limit the freedom of those who try to life a dignified life.


Bernie B said...

The video is despicable. The Muslim reaction is horrifiying.Free speech is a major right in this country but the unfortunate thing is your right to spew hate can have very serious consequences,as we now see in the four deaths.When are Muslims going to realize that God(Allah),if you will, is not well served by returning hate and violence.Most Muslims believe Jesus to be a revered prophet before Mohammed's time,so His words should be heeded-" turn the other cheek,do good to him that does evil to you"-God will take care of the haters and it is not up to you to meet out punishment.Join the 21st century,not the 7th. Killing in the Name of God is so medieval and so wrong. God is greater than any bad words or misinformation.Remember,what is good for the goose,is good for the gander. Do unto others what you would want done to you.Muslims need to take responsibility for the nutcases that purport to speak for all Muslims.What goes around comes around! Bern G the RC

TP said...

Although, free speech is a major right in this country and I hope it will not change, it seem to me that this movie was carefully planned to go hand in hand with the 9/11 anniversary.
Moreover, I believe we need an offense principle that needs to act as a guide to public censure not governmental one. The media (including on the internet) should not publish things that could cause a risk or threat to safety of the general public.
I remember the times where people acted with common sense and censured themselves. Nowadays, no matter how offensive or dangerous something could be to others, everything is published under the umbrella of freedom of speech.