
Do we want to go back to the years of Herbert Hoover (1929) and George W. Bush (2008) ?

Did you know that Herbert Hoover (1929) and George W. Bush (2008) (both Republicans) had been occupying the Oval Office during the two biggest market meltdowns of the past century?

Did you know that more than once Democratic Presidents (just recently President Bill Clinton) have brought the country back to a balanced budget and even a surplus?

Did you know that mainly fiscal conservative Republican Presidents (just recently George W. Bush (2008)) have increased the deficit more than any Democratic President?

Did you know that under a Republican President the rich have gotten richer while at the same time the poor have gotten poorer. Moreover during the same time the middle class shrunk mostly during the time of a Republican President?

I ask you, what do you want for your future? 

Do we want to go back to the years of  Herbert Hoover (1929) and George W. Bush (2008) or do we want to return to a wealthy middle class, a balanced budget and a surplus like under Bill Clinton?

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