
Obama's Facebook Town Hall Meeting Part.3 (video/Transcipt)

Continue the White House transcript of the remarks by the President at a Facebook Town Hall!

MR. ZUCKERBERG:  So I think the next question is from a Facebook employee in the room today.  So Lauren Hale has a question.  Lauren, where are you from?

Q    Hi -- over here.

THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, Lauren.

Q    Hi, Mr. President.  Thank you so much for joining us today.  I am originally from Detroit, Michigan, and now I'm out here working at Facebook.  So my question for you kind of builds on some of the things we were just talking about.  At the beginning of your term you spent a lot of time talking about job creation and the road to economic recovery, and one of the ways to do that would be substantially increasing federal investments in various areas as a way to fill the void left from consumer spending.  Since then, we’ve seen the conversation shift from that of job creation and economic recovery to that of spending cuts and the deficit.  So I would love to know your thoughts on how you’re going to balance these two going forward, or even potentially shift the conversation back.

     THE PRESIDENT:  Well, you’re exactly right that when I first came into office our number-one job was preventing us from getting into another Great Depression.  And that was what the Recovery Act was all about.  So we helped states make sure that they could minimize some of the layoffs and some of the difficult budget choices that they faced.  We made sure that we had infrastructure spending all around the country.  And, in fact, we made the biggest investment in infrastructure since Dwight Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System..

     We made the largest investment in history in clean energy research, and it’s really paying off.  For example, when I came into office, we had about 2 percent of the advanced battery manufacturing here in America.  And as everybody here knows, what’s really holding us back from my goal of a million electric vehicles on the road is that battery technology is still tough.  It’s clunky; it’s heavy; it’s expensive.  And if we can make significant improvements in battery technology then I think the opportunities for electric vehicles, alternative vehicles that are much cheaper -- our opportunities are limitless.

     So those were all investments that we made in the first two years.  Now, the economy is now growing.  It’s not growing quite as fast as we would like, because after a financial crisis, typically there’s a bigger drag on the economy for a longer period of time.  But it is growing.  And over the last year and a half we’ve seen almost 2 million jobs created in the private sector.

     Because this recession came at a time when we were already deeply in debt and it made the debt worse, if we don’t have a serious plan to tackle the debt and the deficit, that could actually end up being a bigger drag on the economy than anything else.  If the markets start feeling that we’re not serious about the problem, and if you start seeing investors feel uncertain about the future, then they could pull back right at the time when the economy is taking off.

     So you’re right that it’s tricky.  Folks around here are used to the hills in San Francisco, and you’ve driven -- I don’t know if they still have clutch cars around here.  Anybody every driven a clutch car?  (Laughter.)  I mean, you got to sort of tap and -- well, that’s sort of what we faced in terms of the economy, right?  We got to hit the accelerator, but we’ve got to also make sure that we don’t gun it; we can’t let the car slip backwards.  And so what we’re trying to do then is put together a debt and deficit plan that doesn’t slash spending so drastically that we can’t still make investments in education, that we can’t still make investments in infrastructure -- all of which would help the economy grow.

     In December, we passed a targeted tax cut for business investment, as well as the payroll tax that has a stimulus effect that helps to grow the economy.  We can do those things and still grow the economy while having a plan in place to reduce the deficit, first by 2015, and then over the long term.  So I think we can do both, but it does require the balanced approach that I was talking about.

     If all we’re doing is spending cuts and we’re not discriminating about it, if we’re using a machete instead of a scalpel and we’re cutting out things that create jobs, then the deficit could actually get worse because we could slip back into another recession.

And obviously for folks in Detroit, where you’re from, they know that our investments can make a difference because we essentially saved the U.S. auto industry.  We now have three auto companies here in America that are all turning a profit.  G.M. just announced that it’s hiring back all of the workers that it was planning to lay off.  And we did so, by the way, at the same time as we were able to increase fuel efficiency standards on cars for the first time in 30 years.  So it can be done, but it takes a balanced approach.  (Applause.)

     MR. ZUCKERBERG:  All right, so we have a question from the University of Florida, where in February, you launched this initiative at, younger Americans with this goal to have a hundred youth roundtables across the country and a bunch of them are taking place right now, watching this Facebook live.
     So Cesar Fernandez (ph) and Elisa Rectanas (ph) are participating in one of those roundtables, and they wanted to ask you this:  “Mr. President, in your deficit reduction speech last week you spoke of the need to not only reduce government spending but to also increase federal revenue.  In light of our nation’s budget challenges, will your administration consider revisiting policies such as the DREAM Act, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates will reduce the deficit by $1.4 billion and increase the government revenue by $2.3 billion over the next 10 years?”  (Applause.)

     THE PRESIDENT:  Let me talk about not only the DREAM Act but about immigration policy generally.  And I want to thank -- Sheryl Sandberg actually participated in a discussion that we had yesterday, bringing together business leaders and government officials and faith leaders, a broad cross-section of Americans together to talk about how do we finally fix an immigration system that's fundamentally broken.

     For those of you who aren’t familiar, the DREAM Act is -- deals with a particular portion of the population, kids who were brought here when they were young by their parents; their parents might have come here illegally -- the kids didn't do anything.  They were just doing what kids do, which is follow their parents. They’ve grown up as Americans.  They went to school with us or with our kids.  They think of themselves as Americans, but many of them still don't have a legal status.

     And so what we’ve said is, especially for these young people who are our neighbors, our friends, our children’s friends, if they are of good character and going to school or joining our military, they want to be part of the American family, why wouldn’t we want to embrace them?  Why wouldn’t we want to make sure that -- (applause.)  Why wouldn’t we want to make sure that they're contributing to our future?

     So that's the DREAM Act.  But that's just a small part of a broader challenge that we have.  Immigration in this country has always been complicated.  The truth of the matter is that we are both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.  Sometimes the laws haven’t been fair.  Sometimes the laws have been restrictive to certain ethnic groups.  There have been quotas.  Sometimes our immigration policies have been arbitrary and have been determined by whether industry at a particular time was willing to bring in workers on the cheap.
     But what’s undeniable is America is a nation of immigrants. That’s our history and that’s what makes us stronger.  Because we’ve got ambitious people from all around the world who come here because they’ve got a new idea and they want to create the new big thing, or they just want a better future for their kids and their family, and that dynamism is part of what’s propelled our progress and kept us young.

     Now, I think most Americans understand that and most Americans agree with that.  At the same time, I think most Americans feel there should be an orderly process to do it.  People shouldn’t just be coming here and cutting in front of the line, essentially, and staying without having gone through the proper channels.

     So what we’ve said is let’s fix the whole system.  First of all, let’s make the legal immigration system more fair than it is and more efficient than it is.  And that includes, by the way, something I know that is of great concern here in Silicon Valley. If we’ve got smart people who want to come here and start businesses and are PhDs in math and science and computer science, why don’t we want them to say?  (Applause.)  I mean, why would we want to send them someplace else?  (Applause.)

     So those are potential job creators.  Those are job generators.  I think about somebody like an Andy Grove of Intel. We want more Andy Groves here in the United States.  We don’t want them starting companies -- we don’t want them starting Intel in China or starting it in France.  We want them starting it here.

     So there’s a lot that we can do for making sure that high-skilled immigrants who come here, study -- we’ve paid for their college degrees, we’ve given them scholarships, we’ve given them this training -- let’s make sure that if they want to reinvest and make their future here in America that they can.  So that’s point number one.
     But point number two is you also have a lot of unskilled workers who are now here who are living in the shadows.  They’re contributing to our economy in all sorts of ways.  They’re working in the agricultural sector.  They are in restaurants, and they’re in communities all across the country looking after children and helping to building America.  But they’re scared, and they feel as if they’re locked out of their surroundings.
And what I’ve said is they did break the law; they came here -- they have to take responsibility for that.  They should pay a fine.  They should learn English.  They should go to the back of the line so that they don’t automatically get citizenship.  But there should be a pathway for them to get legalized in our society so they don’t fear for themselves or their families, so that families aren’t separated.

At the same time, let’s make sure we’ve got a secure border so that folks aren’t wandering through the desert to get here.  Let’s make the legal immigration system more efficient and more effective so there aren’t huge backlogs.

     This is all part of what we call comprehensive immigration reform.  And there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to achieve a system that is fair, is equitable, is an economic engine for America that helps the people who are already here get acculturated, and make sure that our laws aren’t being broken but we’re still true to our traditions.

     But, as I mentioned to Sheryl yesterday, I can’t solve this problem by myself.  Nancy Pelosi is a big champion of this.  The Democratic caucus in the House I think is prepared for -- a majority of them are prepared to advance comprehensive immigration reform.  But we’re going to have to have bipartisan support in order to make it happen.  And all of you have to make sure your voices are heard, saying this is a priority, this is something important -- because if politicians don’t hear from you, then it probably won’t happen.  I can’t do it by myself.  We’re going to have to change the laws in Congress, but I’m confident we can make it happen.  (Applause.)

     MR. ZUCKERBERG:  All right.  So the next one is from a Facebook employee, Leo Abraham.  Leo, where are you from?

     THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, Leo.

     Q    Hi, hey.  I’m from -- originally from San Jose, California.  My question is:  The 2012 budget plan proposed by Paul Ryan has been praised by many in the media as bold or brave.

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