
Bravo Mr. President Obama

Bravo Mr. President Obama for finally trying to put this silly Birth Certificate issue, emphasized especially by Mr. Donald Trump and others, to rest! 

It is amazing to see that an acting President is asked to produce and publish his birth certificate! I have never heard about such request before. (If someone would like to educate me on this issue, please do so!)

However, I am at the same time appalled about the current rising negativity in the rhetoric of some politicians! These individuals, as well as groups, continue to distract and scare people in the United States as well as all around the world, as it had been already done during the Jorge W. Bush administration! 

If the United States wants to be seen as an example for democracy then these kinds of tactics should be eliminated once and for all. These kinds of rhetoric place a cloud of disrespect and dishonesty over the country. I think politicians  should return to honest rhetoric and certain media outlets  should return to morally responsible and  unbiased news reporting.

How can you expect countries who are trying to free themselves from government and/or political ideology controlled medial look up to the United States as an paradigm, if the United States is not able to do so?

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