
Has the Republican Party of Lincoln become a party of theocracy?

Has the Republican Party of Lincoln become a party of theocracy? Theocracy is a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders. Isn’t that what the al-Qaida and courtiers like Iran are aspiring to?

Well, watching the decent of the Republican Party together with the increase of orthodox evangelicals in the Republican Party, one must believe that the goal of these groups is to turn the United States into a country in which only their own Christian Laws are valid. However, doesn’t this stands again all principals of the United States and its constitution where freedom of religion is guarantied even for Islam?

It seems like the Republican Party ignores one main principal of humanity which is equality: freedom of religion, equal rights for any race and gender, and also the equal duty to pay their fair share of taxes.

It is time that we stand up for our rights and the rights of the poor and fight against these new forms of extremism in the Republican Party/Tea Party.

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