
The contemporary Republican party.

Who is most likely to be the Republican Vice-president no matter who will be elected during the primary this year. Despite the wrangling right now, one thing seems to be certain,  McDonnell as the Republican Vice-president.
 If you still have doubts about who the new emerging Republican party is, read the thesis written by McDonnell for Regent University in 1989, when he was already a married man of 34 years old.

In this these he states:
"The family as an institution existed antecedent to civil government, and hence is not subject to being defined by it. It is in the law of Nature of the created Order that the Creator instituted marriage and family in Eden, where He ordained that “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Family arises out of this divinely-created covenant of marriage between a man and woman, the terms of which can neither be originally set nor subsequently altered by the parties or the state." (pg. 19)
He adds:
“[W]hen the exercise of liberty takes the shape of pornography, drug abuse, or homosexuality, the government must restrain, punish, and deter” (pg. 26)."
He also blasts efforts to

“redefine family by allowing special rights,” not just for “homosexuals,” but for “single-parent unwed mothers” (pgs. 72-73).
Moreover he writes:
"[E]very totalitarian movement of the twentieth century has tried to destroy the family. The modern American experience can be seen as an ideological battle between the forces of democratic capitalism and socialism, with the latter’s attempt to “substitute the power of the state for the rights, responsibilities, and authority of the family.” (pg. 10)

He adds:
“Once differential tax rates and benefit distributions are accepted in principle, there is but an arbitrary legislative line that inhibits the slide to socialism” (pgs. 46-47).
 I really worry about the liberties in the United States of American, if the contemporary Republican party would be elected!

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