
Oligarchy or Democracy ?

Is the world moving more and more towards governments which resemble less a democracy but rather that of Oligarchy? Oligarchy which comes from the Greek word ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía) and the word ὀλίγος (olígos) meaning "few", as well as the word ἄρχω (arkho) meaning "to rule or to command".

 In other words, it’s is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people, thus in the hands of those who have the most money.

 Looking at our current governments, we notice that the industry as well as financial institutions are more and more pressuring lawmakers to changes laws to the benefit of their business dealings. How else is it possible that the 1% of the world's population holds 90 % of the world’s wealth? How else is it possible that the DOW is up to an all-time high of 16,272.65 in such a short time after the 2008 finical crisis which was caused by those financial institutions who are now more prosperous that prior to the crisis?

 Democracy has been under thread for a long time, but now it’s more imminent than ever before. The Ukraine has been and probably will be again another example of this trend towards Oligarchy!

Beware of your government and protect your true democracy which should be the rule of all people regardless of their wealth, social standings, ethnicity, gender or religion.

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