
How lobbying with money destroys democracy at it's roots


 Source:The Science Forum

Money has no right to influence the decisions made in a fair and equal democracy based on free market capitalism.

Imagine what might happen to something like pro-football if the rules allowed for outsiders to bribe referees for favor in observing and calling penalties, instead of the referees following and judging events in the game against rules in the book to the best of their abilities, without a bias, to lean in favor of a bribe.

What does the same effect do to our legislative body?  The reps are no longer making decisions based on ethics and responsibilties to the attitudes of their constituents equally...the consider those who give them money and adopt more of their attitudes...

The first thing that would happen to pro football after allowing referees to take bribes and informing the mass public is, most people would lose interest in watching...who cares to watch a game where someone is buying influence?  The game aspect is now professional wrestling, which is more about antics and personalities than games...

If the folks who allow the system to run on bribes, know that bribes will create a loss of interest in the general public to follow legislative processes and vote (What happens when the people realize that no matter who they vote in, money will always have the same influence on them, in effect rendering their vote of "who". to be useless).

The bribes are allowed right now because politicians will not do the right thing and make them illegal.  And not only do they get to feed off the money and power that money in the system offers them, they also know, it will make us care about what they do, less.

Bribing legislators and even adjudicators is now considered free speech and is protected by our constitution as it renders it invalid...and people did pay to get these laws made....

No change in american politics can change the heart of our ills as long as money runs the be honest, why dont we demand they get rid of legislators and just put the bills and initiiatives on EBAY...whichever one collects the most money, passes...that is what we have now, with people skimming off the top...

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