
Beyond the Primary of March 4th

Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) sealed the GOP nomination March 4th with the wins in the three states plus Vermont. Soon after, he went to the White House for lunch with President Bush, who formally endorsed McCain afterward in a joint appearance in the Rose Garden. Bush hailed his former rival for showing "incredible courage and strength of character and perseverance" in stimulating a formerly dying campaign. However, this closeness between President Bush and Sen. John McCain shows that if elected the United Stares will continue its negative image around the world. Do we really want that? President Bush has really damaged this image especially through the war in Iraq, which he pursued without the backing of the international community and on grounds of falsified intelligent information.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) presented herself as the Democrat most likely to defeat the Republican nominee for President Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) in November. However, one has to ask, do we really want to have some one as President who is going to be the same kind of politician as we have had in the past, some one who is dishonest, tricky and deceiving?
Didn’t we have had enough of this during the last eight years with President Bush?
Don’t we finally need a light in the dark and murky business of politics who give us hope for a brighter future?
Just look at the latest ads run by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.). How did so many voters be blinded by her desperate attempts to discredit Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.)?
I guess people are so used to dishonesty that they believe anything they hear or at least think that something could have been true with these allegations made by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.).
I think the media has been favoring Hillary Clinton during the run-up to the primaries in Ohio, Texas, Vermont and Rhode Island. They have run Clinton's ads over and over again, emphasizing her negative message. This was an unfair advantage for Clinton, too.

Nonetheless, with more delegates in hand and some party leaders anxious to unify behind him, Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) still has a more plausible path to the Democratic nomination than Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.). Despite Clinton's popular-vote victories last night, the Illinois senator maintained his lead in delegates--1,477 to 1,391, according to the Associated Press --and Obama partisans said it will be virtually impossible for her to catch up in the remaining contests.

Let’s listen to Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) who pointed out, "The American people are going to want a clear break from the Bush-Cheney policies of the past because they haven't made us more safe. If Hillary Clinton thinks that longevity in Washington is the primary qualification for being in the White House, then John McCain is going to beat her."

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